Stories about John
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Im dear friend from the netherlands of John Hart and DJ from PowerJamzRadio.live
Bless you all , and go with peace my dear friend johnnyboyyy aka john hart, i will miss you and still love you to the moon and back. May god now take care of you unlimited, and watch over your family and friends, send angels to gaurd and protect your grandchildern and all your loveones. Amen �� �� with dearest love and honour to be your friend Dj Chi or chichi as you calls me always your little doggy in the doggy penthouse haahhaahhaa... Marina van Baaren from The Netherlands and from PJR radio station. �� �� my deep respect for the whole Hart family for the time that lays ahead of you all, and send you my love and respect. �� ��
--D.J. van Baaren ( aka, DJ CHI )
John had two shows on taterpatchradio. One on Monday Night, called The Night Flight Show. This show was a bit calm unless something hit him wrong. Then he took his show to another level. He always picked on me saying "I'm should do a depression show. With all the songs being so depressing ever." He knew that irritated me. Then his Saturday Night Ultimate Party, that show was awesome. The music was upbeat. All the jokes with Dj Boner and Ms Amy. The Chinese Man and President Bush. He really enjoyed this show. He had myself, Chihuahua and few drive byes. So we would just have fun. He would play Juicy Wiggles, It Wasn't Me ect. We all danced laughed talked till 11PM. We are going to really miss him. R.I.P. John we all will miss you
--DJ Crazy Daisy
I was delighted to meet John when I was, for a one year in 2006, general manager of WSVS, a tiny AM country music radio station John supported as chief engineer. I really had no business running a radio station, and I relied of John a great deal to keep me out of trouble, and he always did. He was a good sport too, playing the part of a quirky Dr. Frankenstein in the radio play you hear at the end of this video: https://youtu.be/tMNO6sLaJHE God speed John. You are a good soul.
--Brant Huddleston
John Hart was a very good friend and brother-in-law. I'll always remember him with a smile and his love for. Radio. In the last few years I have talked with John just about everyday. His health went down way to fast.. He's love for family and. His children. Was so remarkable. John I'm gonna miss you so very much. God speed my friend.
--Sandy Cook
I first met John Hart nearly twenty years ago and he put my radio station on the air and kept it on the air. He taught me much about broadcasting, made my station better and built it up, and helped me tremendously. It wasn't long before John became more than an engineer and colleague to me - he became a dear friend and was so for years. He asked me to help from time to time, we broadcasted football games together, and were fellow DJ's on his Southside Radio Network, Tater Patch Radio, and WPEX. He was fun to be around. John Hart will be greatly missed by me.
"I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even though they die." ~Jesus (as recorded in John 11:25)
--Steve Battaglia